Students Serving Kids Volunteer Application

Student Information

Parent/Guardian Information

Student/Guardian Commitment

Serving in LH Kids is an amazing opportunity to grow spiritually, develop the gifts God has given them, and perhaps discover a little more themselves and how they can best serve God and others.  This is also a prime opportunity to create and strengthen friendships with others serving as well.  We're so glad you and your student are making this a priority.

Serving in LH Kids requires your student to serve regularly and actively in the church. It is very important to respond to the email serving request and/or App notification your student will receive. It will be a simple accept or decline option. Students will be asked to arrive 15 minutes prior to their serving start time.  

By typing your name below, you are stating you will commit to helping your child (if student is under the age of 14) be present and accomplish assigned responsibilities. If student is over the age of 14, students may sign below.

Application Discloser
Once you have submitted your application, it will be reviewed and you will hear back shortly if you are accepted or declined and what your next steps could be.

If you have filled out all of the information on this application, you are ready to commit to regular responsibilities at church, and you are ready to support the team however you can, then type your first and last name below. Typing your name will be a representation of your electronic signature.